Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sociality and Mating patterns

Lemurs can only be found on the island of Madagascar and the nearby Comoro Islands, but it is thought that the first lemurs on the Comoro Islands were brought by humans so the focus will be on those of Madagascar. Madagascar is 250 miles away from Africa creating an isolated environment for lemurs.
Lemurs are basically only active at night and make eerie noises. Lemurs are very sociable with one another and form groups that average around 15 individuals.Most lemurs spend their time in trees although some do spend time on the ground. Lemurs also participate in social grooming almost as if to feel closer as a group. In the lemurs society the females generally dominate the males in interactions. Mating season usually last less than 3 weeks per year, as the females only stay estrus for a couple days. Although if food supplies are low they will avoid breeding. When its time to mate the males leave the group and look for other females, as for the females they stick together. 
Although the Lemurs are now on isolated islands their traits show that they once lived around many predators. Roaming at night would be a way to get around while bigger predators are sleeping. Staying in groups also gives them a slight advantage of power in numbers or at least a small intimidation factor towards smaller predators. Clearly spending their time in the tress is a way to avoid predators as well. Since the Lemurs body size makes them easy targets for predators so they don't have much time to spend mating thus the shortened mating period. As for the lemur who do walk on the ground now is because they are adapting to their environment and no longer have the large number of predators hunting them on their isolated environment.

Spider monkeys live in tropical forest environment found in central and south America as well as mexico. Spider monkeys inhabit trees thriving in upper the upper canopy without the competition of other primates. The vast forrest supplies a plentiful amount of food for these omnivores. Spider monkeys are very social and live in medium sized groups. There are a few individual monkeys who dwell by themselves but in close range to their group. They have been known to live in large groups but only when seeds; a major component in their diet; are in abundance. In their society females have a more leading role than that of their male counter parts. as females are often the ones that are better at finding more varied food routes. Spider monkeys are awake during the day and sleep at night. It is difficult to tell the difference between males and females although males are slightly larger. Females also sexually mature before males at the age of four, males are sexually mature at the age of five. Spider monkeys breed all year long as their is no regular breeding season. With offspring born one at a time and babies are born black and are carried by the mother hanging by the ventrum until five months of age which they are than carried on the mothers back and nursed until the age of two.
Spider monkeys have no need to compete for food which contributes to their social ways. Due to their smaller size and social behavior being in medium sized groups helps them find safety in numbers. The forest has large tall trees and that gives spider monkeys the advantage of sleeping far from predators and also the ability to defend themselves by throwing objects from branches since most predators cant reach them although they preferably rather run than fight. Since there is wide variety of food for them to eat in the rain forest this allows them to breed all year long.
All five species of baboons can be found in either Africa or Arabia. Most baboons can be found in savannas and other semiarid habitats but a few also live in tropical forest. Which are also home to cheetah lions and hyenas to name a few predators.
Baboons stay in groups of 30 to over 200 members depending on the availability of food. The female baboons remain with the same group into which they're born their entire life, while males leave and join new groups when they mature. Females thus form strong and maintain strong social bonds with their female kin. Males on the other hand do not form strong social bond with other males they leave their group also known as troops around puberty and join a new troop to reproduce. The females show their strong social bonds through grooming one another and through these strong bonds there is greater infant survival and greater longevity. While males interactions are more likely to be agnostic because males have a dominance relationship. Males compete over the highest positions in the troops dominance hierarchy, where the alpha male gets first access to ovulating females. 
With the wide variety of predators found in the baboons environment it is best for survival if they stay in larger numbers, as staying in these number also increases the survival of the offspring. Having such large groups it is necessary to have a strong social bond between the females in order to keep peace within the troops. Also it is considerable that due to the number of predators it is beneficial to have the strongest or alpha male leading.
Gibbons can be found in the dense forest of southeast Asia. The vast amount of trees make a formidable habitat for these branch swingers.
There are also predators like tigers living on the ground of these forests.  
Gibbons are monogamous and live in family groups consisting of adult pairs and their offspring. They stake out territory and defend it as a family. Gibbons unlike the other small primates do not find strength in numbers but instead feel it easier to move around with just their family. Since the forest provides vast trees the gibbons do not spend time on the ground since they have the availability to swing around.Since they spend time in just family packs they are territorial to defend the space of their family as well as to claim the nearby food.

Chimpanzees live in Africa more precisely in forest and neighboring savannas. The chimps diet is ninety percent vegetarian, although males are known to eat meat more likely than females. Chimps in general have pleasant behaviors as there are very intelligent, although makes are known to be more aggressive than smaller females.Chimps live in societies between 10 to 50 individuals without monogamous mating bonds. Females are constantly moving from communities looking for new mates, these females mate all year long. On the otherside males stick together in their natal community acting as a group defending their resources (food) territories from other chimp communities. Males also perform grooming to each other. Due to their environment and being intelligent chimp males stick together to defend their food and territory from not only predators but also other chimp communities.

In all the environment of each primate has played a large role in not only survival but also sociology and mating habits. Isolated environments have made major contributions to survival of smaller primates that would no longer be around if they were still living with other apes. Also depending on the type of environment mating patterns have changed to keep the species alive from isolation savannas and rain forest. For the smaller species the environment has given them survival help through large tress in which to spend their time.


  1. First of all, great images. Really captures the reader's eye.

    Excellent post with thorough discussions on not only the social patterns of each primate but also mating patterns. You also drew clear connections with how those patterns are influenced and shaped by the primate's environment.

    One comment was curious:

    "Chimps in general have pleasant behaviors as there are very intelligent, although males are known to be more aggressive than smaller females."

    What does intelligence have to do with pleasant behaviors? I'm not sure a connection can be drawn there and I was wondering what relevance there was for this comment? Not a serious problem, just curious.

    Otherwise, great post.

  2. hey Francisco, I really like your post it is very interesting and informative, one thing that got my attention is that spider monkeys sleep in the trees so they protect and defend themselves by throwing objects from the trees but at the same time they run away when they get attacked.
    chimpanzees get stick with each other not only to protect their food but to socialize because their known for how social they are, and they are very smart, the methods they figure out to collect their food is very creative.
